Wednesday, September 30

unforgettable books

I grew up in a small town just a few kilometers from the famous chocolate hills. The games we played were not like the games most kids play nowadays. They were more like the ones that Kerima Polotan described in one her books.

Kerima is one of my favorite Filipino writers who wrote about the "old games" children play. I'd like to think that she is our female Samuel Clemens. It was Kerima who made me learn to love reading. Samuel Clemens' Mark Twain also made an impact. Then came Wilson Rawls' Summer of the Monkeys and Where the Red Ferns Grow. I've read a lot and I mean a lot. During my highschool days, I was the only one in our class who was issued a library card twice in a schoolyear but of all those books, the ones written by Kerima Polotan, Samuel Clemens and Wilson Rawls stood out.

Every now and then, I read them again and how they make smile.


pawan said...

I have seen u on the blogosphere after a real long time!
How is life going on mate?

Char said...

"where the red fern grows" makes me cry each time.